PC7H power comb

  • FD PC7H: 17 468 Ft.

  • Power supply with power separator
  • For 2 wire (bus) systems
  • 100-240Vac / 26Vdc +-3V ~2,5A

  • DIN5
  • 90(h) x 87.5(w) x 60(d)mm

  • Related products:
  • Doorstations
  • Handsets
  • Electric Strikes

PC7H power comb

  • FD PC7H: 17 468 Ft.

  • Power supply with power separator
  • For 2 wire (bus) systems
  • 100-240Vac / 26Vdc +-3V ~2,5A

  • DIN5
  • 90(h) x 87.5(w) x 60(d)mm

  • Related products:
  • Doorstations
  • Handsets
  • Electric Strikes

PC7H kombinált tápegység